For Admitted Students

Pre-Program Forms
Physician Form
Travel Release Graduate
Travel Release Undergraduate
Course Pre-Registration
Travel Insurance Information
Emergency Action Plan

Post-Program Forms
Program Evaluation 
Course Evaluation
Transcript Self-Registration via Parchment


Course Registration

Registration will be confirmed in Avignon following a detailed orientation session and an individual meeting with the program director.

One transcript will be sent free of charge to the student’s home institution after completing a Transcript Request form. Additional transcripts may be requested from Bryn Mawr College’s Registrar at no additional charge.

Expenses in Avignon

The Institut fees are:

1.  Tuition – 6,500$

2.  Fees – 500$ (includes excursions, activities, plays, etc.)

3.  Housing: between around 1,700$ and 2,300$ (view housing movie)

Not covered by program: Transportation to and from Avignon; lunch, (and all meals for those in studios & independent housing); snacks and beverages; books ($40-$80); telephone and postage; independent travel, etc. In  past years, students have reported spending roughly between $1000 – $1500 on food, books, telephone, and postage. Please be aware that the cost of living is high in France. As incidental expenses can easily add up, it is suggested that you plan out your daily expenses and budget your money for the duration of your trip. If you wish to attend the theater performances of the “Festival Off” in Avignon during July, each performance costs approximately $20.00. Telephone usage: We ask that students not call the U.S. from their host family’s private telephone. You may wish to purchase a SIM card (approximately $20.00) from a tobacco shop (bureau de tabac) to make calls from your own (unlocked).

Insurance and Medical Information

Students enrolled in the program are provided with insurance by Bryn Mawr. If you do not already have health insurance, you should take out a policy. You should seek your physician’s advice on vaccinations that seem advisable (small pox, tetanus, etc.) Students participating in the program must complete the Medical and “Student Release” forms before they depart for Avignon. It is highly advisable that before leaving the U.S. you insure your luggage for the duration of your trip abroad.

Passport and Visa

If you do not have a passport, you should apply for one immediately at your nearest State Department Passport Agency, if you are an American citizen. Visas are not required for Americans visiting France for a limited time (less than three months). If you are not an American or Canadian citizen, check at the nearest French Consulate on visa regulations for nationals of your country.


During the summer in Avignon, the weather is hot, (85º – 95º). Your wardrobe should consist of light, cotton-knit, easily washable clothes. If windy, evenings can be very chilly so you should also bring a set of warm clothes (jeans, wool sweater, winter jacket and walking shoes.) For special occasions, one dress for women or jacket and tie for men is appropriate. Remember to “travel light” so that you will be able to carry your luggage without difficulty. Do take this advice seriously, as it will simplify your life this summer in Avignon, as well as during any travel in August. Suggested luggage: one suitcase that is not heavy, and an overnight bag or backpack. If staying in Europe during academic year, do try to leave heavy luggage wherever you will be staying next fall. It is recommended you bring an extra towel for travel and the beach. Bed linens are provided.

Travel Information

Please note that while all scheduled activities of the Institut end on Thursday, July 18th, but that your housing is arranged until the last Saturday, July 20th. Before returning home, some students make arrangements for travel throughout France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, England, etc., in small groups. In most cases, precise plans are not made before arrival in Avignon, since students make new friends while at the Institut.

Contact Information in Avignon

Mail (not including packages*) should be sent to:

Institut d’Avignon
Palais du Roure

3, rue Collège du Roure
84000, Avignon

*Please contact us if your family or friends wish to send you a package and you are staying at the CROUS or Vincent de Paul. Please inform them that you cannot receive packages after July 19th, 2024.


It is suggested that:

  • You bring an ATM card to withdraw money in Avignon. Please note that personal checks CANNOT be cashed at an European bank. ATM and Credit cards are widely accepted in Avignon.
  • You change a few dollars into Euros before departing from the United States. Foreign currency can be purchased at JFK Airport or at most banks.  The present rate of exchange (as of June 2024) is approximately 1 U.S. dollar = 0.93 Euros.
  • If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring a copy of your prescription. Note that lenses are twice as expensive in France. We advise you to take an extra pair.
  • If you plan to pack any electrical appliance, you should also pack/buy a transformer/adapter (from 120v USA to 220v Europe) to use in Europe. They are less expensive in the U.S.
  • You pack your French grammar book to France (i.e., the one you are used to). Do not overload with dictionaries which are available for consulting in our library reserve.
  • You pack your laptop computer . However, handwritten papers will be accepted. Wifi is not available everywhere in the city.